Tuesday, October 28, 2008

GIJoe comics #1

Operation: Lady Doomsday:
Dr. Burkhart, a nuclear physicist formerly of the "Doomsday Project," considered a traitor by many for her outspoken critique of both the Project and the U.S. government, is kidnapped by the terrorist oragnization Cobra Command while being transported to testify before Congress. Cobra threatens to kill her if a rescue is attempted, but the government cannot afford to let Cobra extract the secrets Dr. Burkhart knows. G.I. Joe is sent to Cobra's stronghold on a small, thinly-populated Caribbean island to effect the rescue. They successfully penetrate the outer defenses and make their way to the Spanish fort where Cobra Commander is holed up with Dr. Burkhart. On the way, they discover that Cobra has slaughtered the island's civilian population in an act of shear malice. Snake-Eyes and Scarlett confront Cobra Commander and rescue Dr. Burkhart, just as the rest of the team arrives in the fort. Burkhart explains that she was the bait for a trap and that the fort is wired to explode within minutes. The team escapes with moments to spare in a Cobra helicopter. Burkhart thanks her rescuers and realizes that "somewhere in the Pentagon... there are people who care." In the confusion, Cobra Commander and the Baroness escape to their "true headquarters," foreshadowing more trouble for the Joes...

Hot Potato:
Scarlett, Snake-Eyes, and Rock 'N Roll must transport a tape out of the Cobra-funded Colonel Sharif's emirate. The safety of the team members takes a back seat to the safety of the tape. When Scarlett is injured, she orders the others to continue without her, but Snake-Eyes turns back for her. Upon delivering the tape to Hawk, Stalker, and Clutch, Rock 'N Roll goes back for them and is closely followed by Hawk and Clutch. Together they rescue the others, while Stalker transports the tape to safety.

Several Joes are called in to investigate an Alaskan research station whose personnel were slaughtered by some unknown enemy. They follow an unknown man to a Russian research station where they discover the scientists there have frozen and the man has wired the station to explode. They learn the man is a freelance special operative named Kwinn and confront him, only to be defeated and lose their weapons. Kwinn then explains that the Russians were trying to beam "fear waves" into the U.S. to induce mass paranoia, but it back-fired and their own paranoia caused them to kill the Americans. When their heater broke down, they were too far gone to fix it, and Kwinn was hired to retrieve data and destroy the evidence. Kwinn goes to deliver the data to the Russians, and the Joes ambush him again, but discover he has added the firing pins from their guns to his weasel skull necklace "as a charm against death by gunfire." Kwinn disagrees with the Russians, but his strong personal convictions insure that he must fulfill the contract. He arrives to the Russians with the news that the Joes are not far behind, but without firing pins. He then tells them that he left his necklace in a cairn "as an offering to the spirits of ice and snow that fear might vanish from the world." Needless to say, the Joes find the necklace, and to some degree, Kwinn's prayer is answered.

We enter the story in the aftermath of a successful mission; the Joes have several Cobra prisoners and a dismantled ten foot robot on their hands. General Flagg orders the Joes to take the robot back to the Pit for safekeeping. They load up the parts, the prisoners and their wounded into three mail trucks.
Cobra Commander hovering somewhere close in a fleet of Cobra transport choppers is informed phase one is complete, as the trucks make their way to the Chaplain's assistant school in Fort Wadsworth.
The truck carrying the robot is taken to the bottom level of the Pit in the computer room and analyzed for activity. Finding none, the Joes adjourn to their normal activities. Clutch Steeler and Breaker go to the canteen and cook up some bacon and eggs, Scarlett and Hawk go above to the motor pool for a social tea, and Flash, Snake Eyes, and Stalker go to the armory. Snake eyes always volunteers to clean all the weapons after every mission.
In the motor pool high above, a guest says she smells bacon and eggs cooking.
Cobra Commander is told that the chemical delay in the robots hand is about to activate. The hand finds the computer system and locks up all the Joes in whatever room they are in. Then it proceeds to rebuild itself.
Steeler, Clutch, and Breaker remove a panel on the wall and Steeler uses brute force to get the door open. Flash and the others realize the safest option is to use a laser rifle on low power to burn through the door. Snake Eyes and Stalker bunk out to preserve oxygen.
Steeler and Breaker follow Clutch's hunch that whatever set off the blast door must be connected to the robot in the computer room. They enter the room to be immediately greeted by a fully assembled and firing robot. They scatter and Clutch improvises a fire bomb using aftershave and a lighter from the latrine. Now on fire the robot continues to advance as the three Joes regroup.
Cobra Commander reveals the robot's true purpose is to get to the open air and transmit a homing beacon so they can attack.
In the motor pool an attendee comments he smells an electrical fire. Hawk blames it on a crosswind from the mess hall and comments it could smell much worse.
Clutch and the others hearing no activity; head to the training area in search of the robot. Breaker points out that they are unarmed. Then the robot rises out of the swimming pool, it submerged itself to put out the fire and now is heading upwards again. It follows them up to the garage level by climbing the elevator cables. Clutch sends the elevator down on top of it but it keeps climbing. Then they chuck a HAL into the elevator shaft but miss as the robot stands on the ledge of the floor beneath them. The robot heads for the stairs and Clutch looks for aluminum foil and paint.
When the robot reaches the garage Steeler tosses the paint on its eyes and it can't see, relying on radar only it doesn't see anything but solid floor and steps into the open hydraulic shaft covered up by the foil and falls six floors down back to the computer level with a very loud noise. The Chaplain's assistants hear it comparing it to a Mack truck falling off a cliff. Hawk chalks up the noise to some weird acoustical phenomenon.
The Cobra choppers are running low on fuel. If they don't get a signal soon they will have to turn back.
Flash, Stalker, and Snake eyes have gotten out of the armory and head to the fight. They find Breaker and the others cleaning up lots of robot pieces when the head sprouts tentacles and proceeds to climb up a shaft. Flash shoots it back down and the head pops open and little spiders crawl out. Stalker smashes one with his rifle butt. Breaker picks it up and finds out it is a mini transmitter and Clutch points out there are eleven more spaces in the head. Then the Joes go on a bug hunt systematically destroying all the bugs but one. Breaker gets the computers back up and running just in time to see that the last one is just inches from the grate in the motor pool.
One of the guests at the tea sees it pop its little head through the grate and makes a fuss. Scarlett tells him they are used to bugs in the motor pool and stomps on it with her heel. The Joes below that are looking up into the grate helplessly are surprised to be showered with bug parts. One of the assistants makes the comment they think they hear cheering below but another attributes it to that acoustical phenomenon Hawk mentioned earlier.
Hawk suggests it may be time for some R and R for the Joes and Scarlett responds "Good idea Hawk, sounds like they're going buggy down there!"

At a remote base in Montana, Vance Wingfield, along with his wife Shary and Captain Carruthers are training new recruits. Their organization is called First Strike. A Cobra funded paramilitary organization that is on a mission to start world war III.
After a full Joe team briefing, Hawk and Grunt are selected, with Snake-Eyes as backup, to infiltrate the group.
Hawk and Grunt are then intermixed with the new recruits. The base is a highly fortified compound that has many families living within its guarded fencing. As Hawk & Grunt go through the training program they scout out the compound, where they discover a B-29, 3 jet fighter Sabres and brand new T-60E tanks.
Wingfield's master plan is to have Captain Carruthers fly the B-29 to Vladivostock, Russia and drop one of the two nuclear bombs that First Strike has control of. This initial bombing is supposed to cause Russia to retaliate with a massive counteract that will leave the US destroyed and allow First Strike to arise from their bunkers to take over the United States. The second nuclear bomb that First Strike has control of is stationed underneath the compound and only Vance Wingfield has the ability to cont! rol its denotation. The back up plan if the bomber fails is to denote the bomb within the compound, thereby killing all of them in the first blast, and causing the US to retaliate against Russia. This plan is described by Wingfield to his top lieutenants as Snake-Eyes listens.
Hawk & Grunt have snuck into the armory where they set off a silent alarm, which interrupts the meeting. Hawk & Grunt are then captured and as they are being lead to their cells, Snake-Eyes frees them. After being informed of the First Strike plan, Hawk goes to take out the B-29 and Grunt & Snake-Eyes go to get Wingfield.
Captain Carruthers takes off in the B-29 carrying the nuclear warhead. Hawk gets in one of the jet fighters and goes after him.
Meanwhile, Snake-Eyes accesses the radio room and notifies the Joe team that they need support.
Hawk catches up to Carruthers's airplane. When Hawk's radio doesn't work he is forced to shoot down Carruthers over the Pacific Ocean without any warning.
Vance Wingfield is aware that the B-29 mission has failed. He then activates the nuclear bomb located within the compound. Several of the families begin to leave, and Wingfield pulls his gun to shoot them for desertion. Vance asks his wife to back him up. She ends up shooting him in the back right in front of her own son.
The rest of the Joe team busts in just as Wingfield is shot. Shary warns them about the warhead and with the countdown already begun, it is up to Zap to disarm the nuclear bomb. In order to disarm the bomb, Zap has to cut the spokes that support the hub. The hub is the way in which the bomb is detonated. Grunt's responsibility is to pull the very heavy hub out and clear after the spokes have been cut. With just a few seconds left and the spokes cut, Grunt is able to pull the hub clear and prevent the denotation. All is safe.

Breaker, Clutch and Steeler are bragging about the M.O.B.A.T.'s (MOtorized BAttle Tank) capabilities to Scarlett. They point out aspects of the MOBAT like the speaker system, tracking gear for the turret, waterproof hatches, submergible capabilities and it all looks just like a regular tank on the outside. This is why General Flagg has the MOBAT in the Armed Forces Parade in New York City. He is planning on showing it off to General Austin and the rest of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
An Army courier is carrying the secret orders from General Flagg to General Austin about the MOBAT's participation in the parade, when Cobra secretly discovers the contents of the orders, and plans an attack to be lead by Cobra Commander and the Baroness.
The MOBAT finds itself mixed in between the Springfield Marching band and a large float of an iceberg. When the band surrounds the unarmed tank and the iceberg opens to capture the tank, Clutch floors it and they make there escape into Central Park with the well armed Cobra band on their heals.. Meanwhile, Gen. Flagg and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including Gen. Austin, are on a viewing stand observing the parade. Gen. Austin is impatient for the MOBAT to arrive for there viewing.
The MOBAT is able to slip from the band enough to hide in one of the ponds in Central Park. As Cobra Commander guides the Cobra band to the waiting tank, they discover that it is sitting inside the middle of the pond. The MOBAT then rises out of the pond and fires a warning shot over there heads. Steeler jumps out and tells them it's a warning shot and they should all surrender, which they do. Breaker is able to pin point where the radio communications to the troops has been coming from and they head towards that location. As the MOBAT, with the captured Cobras, approaches the location of the radio signals, they discover that it is the exact viewing stand that Gen. Flagg & Gen. Austin are watching the parade, Cobra Commander and the Baroness are directly below them. Clutch runs the tank into the grandstand scattering the generals and destroying the Cobra communication stand. As Cobra Commander is making his escape he grazes Gen. Flagg's head with a bullet.
Later in The Pit, Gen. Flagg is getting his head bandaged, and hearing the story of how the unarmed MOBAT team fired the warning shot that captured the Cobras. Breaker pops one of his famous bubble gum bubbles to emphasize the effect that was amplified over there loud speaker system.

The Joe team of Stalker, Scarlett, Steeler, Flash, Clutch & Breaker are sent to Afghanistan to retrieve a crashed Russian spy plane that has fallen into the hands of the Afghan rebels. The Russians and Cobra are both on the hunt for this plane, and GI Joe needs to be the first to be there. After the team departs, Hawk sends out a coded message to Cobra about the spy planes location.
The team and there supplies, along with some vehicles are dropped into Afghanistan. They are met by the local leader of the rebels, Ahmed, who has been working with a CIA agent to get the plane parts boxed up and ready to move. The Joe team is given a RTV (Rough Terrain Vehicle) to transport the plane parts out of Afghanistan to their extraction point in Karachi, Pakistan. The RTV is a lightweight, easily assembled vehicle that is capable of transporting large weights, they also have a VAMP to ride shotgun.
As they proceed to Pakistan, they are being watched by the October Guard. The October Guard is the Russian equivalent of the GI Joe team, a highly trained, specialized fighting force, lead by Colonel Brekhov and including team members Diana, Horror Show, Stormavik, and Schrage. At a point where the Joe team reaches a large canyon, the October Guard attacks. A large and long battle breaks out between the two teams who are evenly matched. As the October Guard nearly gain access to the entrance to the RTV. And the battle shifts from a gun fight to hand to hand combat, they are both caught off guard when a much larger force Cobra arrives to claim the spy plane.

In Afghanistan, the captured Joe team, of Steeler, Breaker, Flash, Stalker, Scarlett & Clutch, and the October Guard, of Colonel Brekhov, Horror Show, Diana, and Stormavik & Schrage has just lost the Russian spy plane parts they have been fighting and transporting over to Cobra Commander. Cobra had the spy plane parts location leaked to them by Hawk.
The teams take out the Cobra troopers that were left behind to kill them. Scarlett reminds them of the orders that if they lose the cargo then they should let it go and call for extraction. Stalker counteracts those orders and says they are going after the spy plane parts. They then form a pact with the October Guard to get the spy planes parts back.
The October Guard and the Joe team then follow a locater transmitter that is on the RTV (Rough Terrain Vehicle) which is carrying the spy plane parts. The transmitter leads them into Iran, where they discover a large Cobra bunker. The teams divide to invade the bunker. One team of Breaker, Steeler & Schrage will enter from the roof. The rest of the Joe team attacks from north leaving the October Guard to advance from the south. Clutch stays behind to protect their get away.
Each group faces its own challenges getting into the bunker; the team on the roof gets electrocuted. The Joe team of Flash, Stalker & Scarlett overcomes several traps on the way into the bunker. Stalker receives a message from Clutch that something has happened to Breaker, and Clutch's message is cut off in mid-sentence when a Cobra trooper attacks him. Stalker, Scarlett & Flash finally reach the hanger that holds the RTV. And the October Guard has already beaten them there; they had held a Cobra soldier hostage and gained access that way. Cobra Commander gets the drop on both teams, again. But this time Clutch, who had disguised himself as a Cobra trooper and gained access, is standing next to Cobra Commander. Clutch hits Cobra Commander over the head, and holds him hostage as the Joe team takes back the RTV.
In order to prevent the Joes from escaping Colonel Brekhov shoots Cobra Commander, who turns out to be a decoy. A major fight between all sides breaks out giving the Joe's the advantage in getting to their vehicles and escaping.
After making there way to Karachi, Pakistan, they met up with Hawk. Hawk informs them that the box they were hauling was scrap metal and not the spy plane parts they thought. The Joe team had been a decoy set up to distract both the October Guard and Cobra from the real extraction of the spy plane parts. Mission accomplished.

Cobra Commander and the Baroness are enroute to the launch location of the Space Shuttle via boat that converts to a submarine. The boat picks up hostile aircraft on the radar and dives below. Elsewhere the Joe team (all of the original team members) is carrying out an undisclosed mission at an even further undisclosed location when Hawk rounds them up and instructs them to get ready for transport to Florida to the Kennedy Space Center to provide security for the new satellite that will be placed into orbit by the space shuttle. The hope is that the new satellite will provide the location and subsequently destroy the suspected underwater network of launch sites that it is believed Cobra is building.
Meanwhile the Cobra sub/ship enters an underwater command base, one of the bases that it is hoped that the satellite will find. Inside CC briefs his officers along with the Baroness about the superiority of his underwater bases and their military invincibility. He further extrapolates that there will soon be bases of this type all over the world threatening every nation on earth. CC explains that in two days they will test fire their first orbital missile and afterwards the satellites will be launched into orbit by the hundreds thus providing positioning for warheads to strike anywhere. CC's deranged delusions really show through when he even comments about taking the first step toward ruling the cosmos itself. The Baroness further explains that the undersea bases are too deep to be attacked from the surface and the laser shields are too sophisticated for detection by conventional means. She also states that the Americans are aware of the bases. CC reminds her that they are however in the dark about the location of the base, and the fact that he is aware that a satellite will be placed into orbit that would be able to locate the base. CC contends that Cobra will attack and destroy the space shuttle that will be carrying the satellite as well as the entire complex. Threatens troops with death even if the fail.
At the Kennedy Space Center, a transport plane is unloading GIJoe personnel and equipment. Some of the Joes joke about going to the beach and having fun. Later, Hawk gives a final briefing indicating the plan of defense. Hawk plans on an inner and outer ring around the shuttle. Inside the inner ring will be Zap, Short Fuze, Scarlett, Snake Eyes and Hawk. The outer ring will consist of a mobile defense unit and will be comprised of Steeler and Grunt in the MOBAT Tank towing the missile launcher (which I believe would be the MMS, however only a glimpse is shown. Rock N Roll will be riding "his bike" which is the RAM cycle. Clutch and 'Ranger' will be in the VAMP towing the laser cannon (HAL) with Grand Slam. Hawk referred to Stalker as the 'Ranger' a few times, which is his title, but later, calls him by his codename, Stalker. Hawk places Stalker in command of the outer ring. Flash and Breaker will be riding with the shuttle for the launch.
The next morning at 0100 hours the shuttle moves along with the gantry on the platform into position for launch. Some of the Joes joke about the pace the shuttle is moving at. At 0700 hours Flash, Breaker and two astronauts board the shuttle for launch, when Stalker breaks in over the radio and calls a red alert indicating to Hawk that Cobra has arrived in force and is attempting a water front landing. At the waterfront, numerous Cobra S.E.A Legs attack craft begin moving along the swamp front at the space center. One of the S.E.A Legs indicates over the radio to CC that they are encountering units that appear to be from GIJoe. CC orders all to be destroyed. Stalker tells Hawk that they are caught in the open and must "advance to the rear". Grand Slam manages to shoot down one of the S.E.A Legs before he jumps to safety as the HAL is destroyed. The Joes begin their retreat with the VAMP and Stalker using the JUMP Jet Pack. CC and the Baroness watch the whole thing from a submarine surfaced outside the skirmish. CC seems to become overconfident with the attack as the Joes retreat and is scolded by the Baroness who alludes to past defeats at the hands of the Joe team. CC refuses to rationalize and continues on with his premature victorious rantings. The VAMP meets up with the MOBAT and Clutch asks Steeler and Grunt where the heck Rock N Roll is. The Joes attempt to hide in the tall grass as the MMS is destroyed as Cobra closes in on them. Steeler immediately swings around the MOBAT and takes out one of the S.E.A Legs, then another. Stalker using the JUMP Jet Pack flies up and drops a grenade in the exhaust vent of one of the S.E.A Legs machines as Steeler destroys another one. Rock N Roll eventually shows up with the RAM cycle and destroys yet another S.E.A Leg machine, commenting about his lateness saying he made a wrong turn at the last alligator.
CC then orders a unit of armor to move forward. Stalker tells Hawk on the radio about the armor and requests reinforcements. Hawk replies to Stalker telling him that he sees what's going on and has deployed the rest of the team. Simultaneously a land torpedo is fired from one of the Cobra armored units destroying the MOBAT ability to drive. The Joes retaliate with the MOBAT utilizing the still capable front cannon and begin to fire on the Cobra armor units. At the same time, Zap and Short Fuze begin firing on the armored units with mortar rounds and bazooka shells. Scarlett appears and dumps a satchel charge into one of the Cobra tanks completely destroying it, while Snake Eyes descends on a Cobra Trooper who is spotting the advancement of the troops, when he is "silently" taken out by Snake Eyes. Baroness, excited, states to CC that the Joes have won, CC not being deterred in the least, fires a wire guided missile at the shuttle itself which is subsequently destroyed. The shuttle begins its liftoff. CC comments about at least there was one Joe burned in the explosion of the missile in close proximity to the shuttle, however, Hawk ducked into a blast shelter and requests a pickup from the rescue chopper. Flash comments to Breaker about the "ride" on their way up into space. Baroness and CC dive into the water with the helicopter commenting that Cobra is indeed still on the attack.
Aboard the rescue chopper Stalker informs Hawk about a large "blip" on the radar screen, when Hawk responds right back with having a visual on the now surfaced Cobra underwater base. The Joes land the helicopter on top of the base and board the base. Just then CC over a loud speaker greets the Joes and would like to see if they would enjoy their second launch of the day. Just then, out from the middle of the base launches a missile on its way to destroy the shuttle. Breaker and Flash are informed of the missiles launch and devise a plan to try to move the shuttle out of the way of the incoming missile. Flash and Breaker are outside the shuttle while the missile hurtles towards them and Breaker wants Flash to come up with some type of plan and quick. Flash positions himself in front of the missile and as the missile passes he accelerates just enough to fly with the missile and tries to adjust the power of his backpack enough to force the missile just a little of course while he holds on. Flash accomplishes this, and the missile barely misses the shuttle. The missile flies out into space a little more then blows up. Breaker starts singing to Flash praises of his accomplishment. Meanwhile down on earth, the Joes are in a heavy firefight with Cobra Troops. Hawk directs Short Fuze to drop in some mortar cover fire while the Joes advance. He succeeds in destroying the tower from which the Cobras were firing. The Joes advance on the complex and begin to overrun the Cobra Troops. CC interrupts the fighting to announce that the entire base has been booby-trapped with explosives and that the Joes do not have enough time to disarm it. Steeler comments that the chopper was destroyed and all they have is the survival kits and life rafts. Hawk directs everyone to get on a raft along with the prisoners who refuse to abandon the ship stating that they would rather die and serve CC to the end. The Joes depart leaving the disillusioned Cobra Troops behind, as they begin to paddle away from the base. The base then explodes. It is then immediately pointed out that CC and the Baroness are approaching the Joes with their combination boat/submarine which also has a plane anchored onto the back of it. CC heads straight for the Joes attempting to run them down when Zap, with the last piece of ordnance, fires at the boat sinking it immediately. The Joes comment on the possibility of that being the last they see of CC, but then, the plane emerges from the water at breakneck speed and the CC and Baroness escape. Stalker and Hawk comment on the possibility of CC always being one step ahead of them as the rest of the Joes comment about where they will be sent next...the Sahara, training in the sea tanks? Who knows?

Stalker and Breaker attack a Cobra secret communications house. Breaker is able to access the database and start collecting information from Cobra's computers, just as he begins, Cobra Commander comes on the screen and blows the place up. The Joe team is able to escape.
Some information that Breaker retrieved is usable, based on this partial information Hawk gives Clutch and Scarlett a mission. That mission is to protect State Department diplomat Brian Hassell who is in talks with the Persian Gulf nation of Al-Alawi. Anything that happens to Hassell would disrupt the talks jeopardizing the US influence in the Persian Gulf.
Scarlett and Clutch begin protecting Hassell, who is a Cobra agent. Cobra Commander discovers that the Joes are actually protecting one of his agents and initiates attacks intended to fail. The first attack comes on the beach, then as they escape to a hotel their room is bombed, they escape again in a car to an airport where they board an airplane, this plane has a Cobra pilot, after a fight in the plane, the plane crashes, another car chase begins, and a helicopter drops gas causing Clutch to drive off a bridge.
In London, Snake-Eyes and Stalker visit Derek Sutherland, a weapons and munitions supplier, and question him about Cobra. He gives them an address in Amsterdam, and then reports into Cobra Commander who promptly electrocutes him to death. In Amsterdam, Stalker is locked in a room with a hologram of Cobra Commander, gas is released, and the Commander tells him that Brian Hassell is a Cobra agent scheduled to kill the ambassador, and the irony is GI Joe is escorting him to the meeting. Snake-Eyes blows open the door, saving Stalker. They immediately head off to stop Cobra agent Hassell.
Scarlett, Clutch and Hassell capture the helicopter that bombed them and use it to fly to the meeting in mountains. In route, Hassell pulls a gun and reveals that he is Cobra agent. Clutch and Scarlett are taken prisoner, and the meeting starts with the Ambassador of Al-Alwai. Scarlett is able to escape and skies to the meeting. And just as Hassell has pulled his gun and shot the ambassador, Scarlett busts in to knock him out. The ambassador survives because he was wearing a bullet proof vest. Hassell is taken away.
Cobra Commander gets the message about the failure of assassination attempt his response is "and there will be another game."

In New York City, the Joe team is assaulting a building that is a Cobra stronghold. Snake-Eyes, Scarlett and Zap are staged on the roof. When the Baroness collapses the roof the three of them are plunged into a cell and gassed. This cell is actually the interior of an airplane that then takes off for Springfield.
When Scarlett & Zap wake up they are on solid ground in another cell with a young boy, and Snake-Eyes is missing.
In the water Cobra has put hallucinations drugs, which gives Scarlett and Zap very weird dreams. The boy has figured out a way to fight the drugs by holding the water to a light bulb. Once Scarlett & Zap have a clear head they plan an escape. The guards enter the room to help the boy, they are then knocked out and uniforms taken. They escape out into Springfield looking for Snake-Eyes.
The boy begins to tell them some history of Cobra as they head to wear he is being held. When the "soap people" came to town they brought a pyramid marketing scheme that was based on sales. Slowly, all the town members became involved and profited from the schemes, the resisters simply disappeared as well as kids informed on their parents, secret backrooms where built, garages became storage places for tanks and kids recruited into service for Cobra. The boy is part of a small group of people who are anti-Cobra. Scarlett & Zap are lead to where Snake-Eyes is being held, Video World the town's arcade.
Meanwhile, the entire time Scarlett & Zap have been escaping, Snake-Eyes has been strapped into the brainwave scanner. The brainwave scanner is a machine that reads the brain patterns and projects them to a monitor showing what the individual is thinking. Dr. Venom is in charge, and trying to figure out where the GI Joe base is located. He keeps asking Snake-Eyes where the base is, the brainwave scanner is very painful when a person doesn't cooperate. And Snake-Eyes is completely resisting. In order for Snake-Eyes to prevent himself from giving away the base he begins to think of things from his past. Dr. Venom is able to see these memories and see that Snake-Eyes has lead a very painful life. The series of memories that Snake-Eyes uses to block the brainwave scanner: his first job at a gas station, prom night and his date, the helicopter accident in which his face was burned and lost his voice, the last flight out of Saigon, a newspaper article about a family dying in a flaming car wreck, a funeral, several moments inside the GI Joe base, and finally a hooded ninja in Japan teaching him the Way of the Inner Anvil. Then Snake-Eyes' heart stops and he flat lines on the monitoring equipment. The brainwave scanner has killed him or so Dr. Venom thinks. Snake-Eyes had been trained as a ninja and has the ability to actually slow his heart beat and breath down to the level of appearing dead. As soon as he is free, he wakes up and knocks out Dr. Venom, and escapes up into Video World.
Snake-Eyes timing couldn't have been more perfect, Zap & Scarlett with the boy are being cornered. The boy was recognized as being anti-Cobra. The team reunited now, then makes it way to the airfield, where they capture the same craft that flew them from New York. The pilot takes off and half way through the flight shoots at Snake-Eyes who kills him and destroys some of the aircrafts instruments well returning fire. They fly blind until they are able to parachute out to safety.
The boy had elected to stay in Springfield, his family lived there and he needed to stay and continue to helping to defeat Cobra. Zap & Scarlett promise to bring back help.

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